DOM VICI is a premium California pinot noir brand, founded by the Owens family. We craft wine with certified sustainability practices and the highest quality standards that reflect passion, excellence, and beauty.
We believe that you can bring community through great wine. Why not with a bottle of Dom Vici and enjoy together.
DOM VICI means to conquer. We celebrate and support women entrepreneurs in all industries. Our founder and owner, Zaneta Owens, named her wines DOM VICI to symbolize her perseverance and journey as an entrepreneur. She started her journey as a handbag designer with features in Vogue UK, Tatler Magazine, Napa Valley Life Magazine and various publications. Now she is creating a vibrant and undeniably beautiful collection of wines in Southern California once as a founding owner of SaSy Wines and now as part of the Dom Vici collection.
Dom Vici is a proud member of Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). We continue to press forward as women in the beverage industry.